If you’re unfamiliar with a certain language and would like to speak it but afraid to commit mistakes. It would be best to always think of language as a tool to communicate and convey your idea. Correct grammar and fluent speaking will surely impress others, but in an airport setting, people won’t mind your grammar. What they mind is you are able to convey your message properly and correctly.
Overcome the fear and start speaking. Keep in mind that:
People will always have things to say about you
If you think that you did nothing wrong, therefore, people will not judge you; then you are completely wrong. The thing is you can’t control what others think or say. Even if you are standing in the hallway, people will be judging you, that’s the truth.
Since you are going to get judged either way, do something that will improve yourself, even if it means committing mistakes in the process.
Make your mistake your teacher
Mistakes will only be perceived as humiliating if you do so. Let's go back to the time when we were learning to walk. Isn’t it we fall down and stand up again; and every time we stand up, we learn more from our mistakes? So, it’s the same analogy with learning a new language, you have to fall down to come back stronger.
Find your support system
Interact with your fellow learners, for sure you understand each other the best; especially the struggles that you are facing while learning the new language. This way, you won’t feel alone in this journey and the process would be more enjoyable. Practice with your language buddy and ensure you are comfortable with them.
Learn and use the language
Confidence comes from knowing what you are doing and saying. However, to achieve that, you have to put in the work needed. For instance, learning vocabulary every day is as important as using the new vocabulary that you have learned. The level of comfort and confidence in using a new language is built, it doesn’t appear by itself.
Love the language
For instance, if you are learning Chinese, find your why. Why am I learning Chinese? What do I love about it? If you love it culture, then immerse yourself in it. If it is for business purposes, learn the Chinese terms, and observe how others communicate what are the phrases and word usage in business deals.
Overall, learning a new language is a journey full of roller coasters, but it is in your hand whether you are going to let it defeat you or make you stronger. Find ways to enjoy the process and always remember that there are a lot of resources online, you can learn it as long as you want to.