Pinyin in Chinese is like the alphabet in English. It will guide you on how to pronounce the vocabulary.
Below is the Pinyin guide:
Watch the video to learn more about detailed Pinyin pronunciation, I’ll guide you with the respective vocabulary.
In case you want the overview of the video, here is it.
Initials (Consonants):
b (波)
| p (泼)
| m (么)
| f (佛)
d (的)
| t (特)
| n (呢)
| l (了)
g (歌)
| k (柯)
| h (喝)
| j (鸡)
q (七)
| x (希)
| zh (之)
| ch (吃)
sh (诗)
| r (日)
| z (资)
| c (疵)
s (斯)
| y (一)
| w (乌)
| |
Finals (Vowels):
a (啊)
| o (哦)
| e (额)
| i (伊)
u (屋)
| ü (雨)
| | |
| á
| ǎ
| à
| a
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